Trump Plans Executive Action On Alleged ‘Anti-Conservative Tech Bias’

Mark Zuckerberg Reveals Robert Mueller Has Interviewed Facebook Employees

On Thursday, President Donald Trump criticized the world’s top social media companies as being biased against him and said that the White House is considering an executive action in the future to fight back. The White House has even created a draft proposal regarding regulations and legislation to protect free speech online. Still, it remains unclear what these orders would do or what would be their implementation.

The remarks by Trump against the social media giants first appeared at the White House’s controversial “social media summit,” which was attended by 250 people including senior administration officials. At the meeting, the president announced that he will be calling all social media companies next week to arrange meetings with them. According to a White House spokesman, “the president announced at this month’s social media summit that we were going to address this, and the administration is exploring all policy solutions.” The summit was attended by lawmakers, which include Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Rep. Mathew Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Rep. Daniel Crenshaw (R-Texas).

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) also denounce tech companies. “Google, Facebook, Twitter, they have gotten these special deals from the government. They are treated unlike anyone else. If they want to keep their special deal, here is the bargain: they have to stop discriminating against conservatives.”

However, Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube have denied the allegations made by Trump and other Republicans. The tech companies have responded to these charges by referencing similar complaints made by liberal activists. 

On August 5, Trump tweeted his concerns regarding media.



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