Netflix 'Living Undocumented' Shows The Heartbreaking Side Of The Immigration Crisis

In the past years, the word “immigrant” has inspired fear and contempt, making immigrants in America an easy target for discrimination and violence. Living Undocumented, Netflix's new documentary produced by Selena Gomez, aims to change that perspective and narrative, giving voice to millions of undocumented immigrants in the US who are trying to live the so-known American Dream.


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Following eight families, the documentary chronicles their everyday lives and experiences not only to show how it is that they manage to live in the shadows while trying to lead a “normal” life, but the documentary also sheds light on the constant fear they endured as potential targets of deportation under the “zero-tolerance” policy enforced by the Trump administration.

Selena Gomez posted on Instagram accompanying the trailer: “the immigration issue is more complex than one administration, one law or the story you hear about on the news. These are real people in your community, your neighbors, your friends – they are all part of the country we call home.” That’s what the documentary is all about, debunking myths around immigration and showing people the human beings behind the tag.

The stories, like life itself, go from nightmarish situations filled with fear to demonstrations of hope and resilience. The bravery of the subjects for agreeing to be filmed and exposing themselves are a representation of resilience against the tough immigration system, giving us the other side of the humanitarian crisis that not only the US, but the entire world is facing.

As Selena Gomez adds, it’s all about shedding “light on what it’s like to live in this country as an undocumented immigrant firsthand, from the courageous people who have chosen to share their stories.”

The six-episodes documentary will premiere on Netflix on October 2. Here’s the trailer:

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