You Could Win $1,300 Just For Binge-Watching Stephen King’s Classics

With Halloween just around the corner, it's time we start dusting off our favorite DVDs and prepare for the best movie marathons ever. So, if you’re one of those people who love horror films and love binge-watching them around this time of the year, let me tell you, you can actually make some money from your favorite hobby!

That’s right, as it turns out, is looking for a horror fan to binge-watch 13 (of course) film adaptations from the one and only master of horror: Stephen King. This person will be paid $1,300 USD for spending a little over an entire day watching these classics.

What’s the catch? We really don’t know, perhaps the fact that you’ll have to keep track of absolutely everything you experience during the marathon; that includes, reactions, every single scare, every jump, every scream, and even your heart rate levels and sleep cycle during the process.


10 Horror Movies From This Year That Put Classics To Shame

Besides that, you’ll be asked which one was your favorite movie and why, which was your least favorite and why, and many more questions about each of the thirteen films. Don’t worry, the good part (besides the money) is that you can even watch them with some friends.

So, what are the thirteen films you have to watch? Just the best!

Carrie(1976 or the 2013 remake)

Children of the Corn (1984)

Christine (1983)

Creepshow (1982)

Cujo (1983)

Dreamcatcher (2003)

It(1990 or the 2017 remake)

The Mist (2007)

Pet Sematary(1989 or the 2019 remake)

Salem's Lot (1979)

The Shining (1980)



In case you were wondering, will provide you with the films, so you won’t have to spend anything. All this comes as preparation for the two new Stephen King related films, It 2and Dr. Sleep, a sequel to The Shining. The only requirements are being 18 years old or older and being a US citizen. You can register here.

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