The Trailer For 'El Camino', The Next 'Breaking Bad' Chapter, Is Finally Here

The trailer for the Breaking Badmovie is finally out and we couldn't be more excited. This chapter is called El Caminowith Aaron Paul reprising his role as high school dropout turned cook master, Jesse Pinkman. The movie project is another Netflix production directed by the creator of Breaking Badhimself, Vince Gilligan. The movie is set to premier on Netflix and in some theaters on October 11.


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Though Walter White's fate clearly and irrevocably ended in the Breaking Badfinale, Jesse Pinkman's story was left to the audience's imagination as he drove off full speed towards freedom. In the trailer, we see Jesse presumably just where he was left off, maybe arriving at his friend's house after a long period of being held captive by neo-Nazis. The tone of this trailer feels a little grim, far from the black humorish tone of the first Breaking Bad seasons and closer to the last episodes. But it is a glimpse into a beautiful story that we can trust will be as awesome as the series.

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