Dame Helen Mirren Believes Gender And Sexuality Are Absolutely Non-Binary

Helen Mirren has been vocal about her support for the feminist cause throughout her career, and now she's taken another step as she shares her conclusions that sexuality and gender itself are ultimately fluid, non-binarythings.


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A life-long conclusion

“I came to the conclusion an awfully long time ago that there is black and there is white, and we're all somewhere in the middle in a wonderful mix of male and female,” she told the Radio Times.

Like most of us, the 74-year-old actress bases her life experiences as the basis for her conclusions, and no one can deny she's as experienced a person as they get. With an incredibly prolific career spanning decades,Helen Mirren has traveled the world and met a whole lot of different people from different cultures and preferences, giving her good reason to think as she does.

“There is no such thing as binary sexuality, when you’re male or female. I don’t believe that at all,” the Oscar-winning actress continued. She added that ultimately, we all move through a dynamism between male and female properties at some point in our lives, making things much more complicated than there simply being two genders and two valid sexualities.

“An awful lot of actors have male and female in them,” she argued. “A lot of great actors, great masculine actors, are actually very feminine. Great heart-throbs have a very present feminine side to them.A lot of very strong female actors have a very strong male side to them.”


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She's no exception

Though the actress has not been known to play queer roles, she says this principle applies to herself personally as well. “I have a lot of what people might call male qualities. But I certainly look like a woman," Mirren shared. "I hate talking about my feelings, I never want to go to the doctor and I'm a brilliant map-reader.”

This fortunately leads her to full-heartedly support transgender women,which is always good to hear from such a respected personality. And she once again voiced support for her fellow female (or at least, mostly-female) colleagues, saying that she's pleased about "young women around me taking control of their own destiny.Writing their own material, creating their own theatre groups or making their own movies, that lovely assumption that it’s possible, and that they can do it."

Great words from a great person, to be sure.

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