This Is How Joaquin Phoenix Lost All The Weight To Play Joker

Joaquin Phoenix's performance as Arthur Fleck, best known as the Joker, is one of the most impressive in cinema history. However, this impressive character was not conceived from one day to the next. The actor had to make some serious sacrifices in order to play one of the most beloved comic book villains of all time. One of those was losing weight, so he could adapt to the Joker's physical appearance, which was not that easy as he had to commit to a very strict diet that helped him get to the desired weight in a short amount of time.

In order to play the role of the Joker, Joaquin Phoenix had to lose more than 20 kg (about 44 lbs), so he had to look for medical advice to lose all those pounds naturally and safely, with his nutrition being supervised by a professional. The actor also had to follow a very grueling method, due to his age, now that he is 44 years old.


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Phoenix's diet was heavy in apples, lettuce, and steamed green beans. This was clearly a high reduction of his daily calorie intake, which meant he had to fight any temptation or craving that came his way. But the actor confessed that this regime was very complicated because the film's director, Todd Phillips, had his office full of pretzels, so Phoenix had to fight the urge to eat one of those snacks and break the rules.


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The actor also had to give his body a high amount of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbs, and low-calorie fiber, but with high energy content to help him not feel so hungry. It's important to mention that Phoenix is vegan and is participates actively in campaigns related to animal protection.

The diet that Phoenix followed was supervised by an expert nutritionist, so he didn't feel some of the side effects of extreme diets, such as fatigue, dizziness, or long-term health issues.

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