Will Amazon’s ‘Hernán’ Series Depict The Spanish Conquest Accurately?

Somehow the famous Spanish Conquistador, Hernán Cortés, has become quite a popular figure today. To commemorate half a century of the fall Tenochtitlán in Spaniard hands, Amazon is working on a series that will allegedly show us an accurate portrayal of the Spanish Conquest and a more humane side of Cortés, often portrayed as a villain in history books.

The series will be produced by Amazon Studios in collaboration with Diego Luna and Gael García’s production company La Corriente del Golfo, and Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television. It’s also known that it will be directed by the Colombian filmmaker Ciro Guerra and Oscar-winner Javier Bardem in the role of Cortés himself. So, it really sounds promising.


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If that wasn’t enough, Eugenio Caballero, to whom we owe the amazing art design of Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma, has been commissioned to recreate the splendorous city of Tenochtitlán, which isn’t an easy task. Besides that, the four episodes will be written by Steven Zaillian (Schindler’s List), and it’s all based on the forgotten project Moctezumaby the late Dalton Trumbo.

Trumbo’s script focused on the relationship between Cortés and Moctezuma II, and the power struggle of two empires at the peak of their glory. While it’s not clear if Zaillian based his scripts entirely on Trumbo’s project, it’s known, as director Guerra has claimed, that the bloody and violent episode that changed the American continent for good, will finally be given a fair and accurate portrayal on-screen.

The series, which is still missing a title and a release date will be competing with the series Hernán, produced by Mexican television studio TV Azteca which will be released on November 24. This series will have Oscar Jaenada starring as Cortés and will narrate the story from eight different perspectives according to its protagonists (Cortés, Moctezuma II, Malinche, etc.)

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