10 Reasons To Splurge On An Animal Print Dress This Season

Somewhere along the way, over the course of the last two years or so, animal print made an incredible leap from “tacky and old-fashioned” territory to the land of influencers and “it” girls, from where it subsequently trickled down, as Miranda Priestly would say, to us mere mortals.

A few years ago, none of us would have imagined that everything from wallets and earrings, to jackets and even scrunchies would end up covered in what used to be considered one of the ultimate worst fashion no-no’s.

Of course, a few years ago, the list of fashion no-no’s was still pretty considerable, whereas these days it would be hard to come up with something that at least someone out there can’t make work. We’re living in a golden era of fashion freedom, a wonderful time of “anything goes,” where even animal print is now considered tame.

For that reason, it comes as no surprise that animal print dresses are one this year’s favorite staples for the holiday season. Trust us when we tell that you’ll see more than one person wearing one at every event you attend, whether it’s the office Christmas party or your family’s Christmas Eve dinner.

You might even be tired of the trend already because it’s certainly been done, but still, it’s kind of cool that we’ll be seeing it everywhere during the holidays, mostly because, no matter the context, animal print will always be a bold statement that retains an element of wildness, of which the holidays could clearly use more.

So, go ahead, be brave and wear an animal print dress to your next holiday engagement. Pair it with some killer accessories and create an unexpected look that will make you feel like the coolest version of yourself, even if it’s just to stand next to your boring coworkers.

Here is some inspiration in case you are still unsure about whether or not you are the kind of person who can pull off an animal print look.

© Cultura Colectiva