6 Buddhist Movies That Will Teach You The Seasons Of Life

Sit down in absolute silence, suspend all judgmental thinking, and let all the words, images, and ideas flutter through your mind; don't hold onto any thought. The aim of zazen is to gain unparalleled insight into the nature of existence.

Zen buddhism originates from Sanskrit and means "meditation." Siddharta Gautama achieved enlightenment through meditation, and his teachings have been interpreted by a multitude of schools of thought. Zen focuses on self-control, meditation practice, and insight into Buddha nature.

To become a Buddha, you must embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment in order to reach Nirvana. Thousands of people around the world follow his footsteps . This implies years of study and discipline, and direct interaction with an accomplished teacher.
Movies can be helpful guides that can teach us tiny glimmers of what is Buddhism. We hope that as you watch these films you will be filled with serenity and a clarity that rivals a clear blue sky.


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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring(2003), Kim Ki Duk

"Didn't you know beforehand how the world of men is? Sometimes we have to let go of the things we like. What you like, others will also like." Old Monk.

A Buddhist monastery floats on a lake surrounded by a pristine forest. The story follows the life of a Buddhist discipline and his teacher. Just as the flowers bloom, and the red leaves fall, the movie follows the seasons of life, from childhood to old age. The film is segmented in accordance to the seasons. This is a quiet, contemplative film, and while the plot may unfold rather simply, the actions of the characters are rich in meaning and are imbued with Buddhist symbols and iconography.

Buddha Collapsed Out Of Shame (2007) Hana Makhamalbaf

Hana Makhamalbaf takes us to Bamiyan, Afghanistan, where the famous stone Buddhas were blown up by the Taliban. Life goes on, and amidst the rubble we meet a young girl, Baktay, who will do whatever it takes to go to school and learn her ABCs. We are kept at the edge of our seats as we follow her on her quest. At one point, she is surrounded by boys playing war games and they fit her with a paper-bag burqa. The threat of violence is always around the corner.

Samsara(2001) Pan Nalin

“How can you prevent a dew drop from drying out? Throw it into the sea."

This movie jumps straight into the crisis that torments a Buddhist monk after spending years in seclusion and under the strictest rules of the monastery. We gain unprecedented insight into the deep turmoil he experiences as he decides to leave his path to Nirvana and lead a more "normal" life. It is a beautiful and difficult tale of a man who was a monk who denied love and stumbles into this feeling, and even becomes a father. This film teaches us that Buddha's lessons are not confined to a monastery high up in the mountains, but are in every ritual and experience of the daily life.

Milarepa(2007) Neten Chokling

"By running such a race, I'm carried on to Buddhahood.
I don't covet worldly happiness."
From a hymn by Milarepa (A rendering)

Milarepais a movie that follows the life of legendary buddhist mystic, Milarepa, who is known as one of Tibetan Saints. The film weaves myth, biography, adventure, history, and docudrama. It was shot in the Spiti Valley high in the Himalayas, in the Zanskar region close to the border between India and Tibet. It is a location that has a close resemblance to the latter's landscape. A film that explores the teachings of a man who achieved enlightenment in that lifetime.

Un buda(2005) Diego Rafecas

In the Western world we are consumed by a fast paced life, and the skyscrapers cover the skies, blotting out the sun. This is brilliant film from Argentinian Zen teacher, Diego Rafecas. It follows two brothers who were orphaned during the Dirty Wars of the seventies in Argentina. Both struggle with their lives, and the world that surrounds them takes a dramatic turn when they go to a rural Zen center. Un Budawill expand your sense of Buddhism in the world we live in today.
This could be anyone's story: being thrown into a challenging world where we feel utterly lost. A tale that shows us that the pursuit of inner peace is possible.


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Zen - The Life Of Zen Master Dogen (2009) Tanmei Takahashi

“Don't ask me where I'm heading. There are no borders in the world I journey into, each step becomes my home." __

Zenis a 2009 film directed by Tanmei Takahashi, starring noted actor Nakamura Kantaro II as Dogen. He is known as the most important teacher that brought the teachings of Zen into Japan and founded the Soto school in the thirteenth century. From an early age, Dogen faces the loss of his parents, which leads him to his road of enlightenment. This teacher has inspired millions, not only in Japan, but around the world as well. This film is a poignant, in-depth, and a reverent portrayal of Eihei Dogen.

These films will walk alongside you in your own journey to enlightenment. For Buddhism, the body and meditation are the tools that enable you to reach Nirvana. We hope that as you browse through these films, one will call your spirit.

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