Harvey Weinstein "Not Guilty:" Here Are All The Charges Against Him

Hollywood’s most infamous former producer is facing trial in the first days of 2020. Harvey Weinstein, co-founder of The Weinstein Company and Miramax, is being tried for two more rape accusations.

According to an article from The New York Times, a woman met up with Weinstein at a movie festival in Hollywood in 2013; later, he went to her hotel room and raped her. She told the authorities that he also threatened to kill her. The following day, Weinstein met up with another woman at a hotel restaurant in Los Angeles. He invited her and a second woman to his room, where he took one of them into the bathroom, fondled her breasts and masturbated.

The first victim said that she was left in shock when Weinstein showed up in her hotel room and then suddenly grabbed her by her hair and forced her to do something that she didn’t want to do. He later dragged her into the bathroom and raped her. The following day, he met up with his second victim, arranging a business meeting with her in a Beverly Hills hotel. They spoke briefly, and then the victim and a second woman followed Weinstein to his hotel room’s bathroom. Once there, the second woman locked the door behind her. The authorities still don’t know what happened to the second woman.


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Harvey Weinstein leaves court after not guilty plea during arraigement on rape and criminal sex act charges at State Supreme Court, in 2015. / Shutterstock

Both accusations were used to make a criminal case based in Los Angeles. The identity of both alleged victims remains unknown. Weinstein will face trial in New York first, and then another one in Los Angeles. Earlier today, he arrived to court to go over the details of the case, and he showed up looking the worse for wear.

One of the situations discussed this morning was the controversial possibility of the jury obtaining access to seventy-two pieces of sensible and embarrassing photographic material. Up until now, Weinstein is facing the following charges: forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by use of force and sexual battery by restraint.

Jackie Lacey, a Los Angeles County District Attorney, said in a statement: “We believe the evidence will show that the defendant used his power and influence to gain access to his victims and then commit crimes against them.” Weinstein’s lawyers did not comment on the charges.


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Now, let’s remember that this is not the first time Weinstein is facing this kind of accusation since the Me Too movement emerged. However, some of the previous cases did not proceed due to inconsistencies.

Weinstein had already been charged with raping an unidentified woman in a Manhattan hotel in 2013 and for forcing another woman to receive oral sex in his Manhattan apartment in 2006. The producer is also facing multiple sexual assault charges, and if found guilty, he will likely be sentenced to life in prison.

Still, Weinstein maintains that all the sexual encounters he participated in were consensual and that he is innocent.

Cover image: @thedailyaurora

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