Hillary docupic coming to Hulu: That buzzing mosquito is back in our ears

WASHINGTON. Recent Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais had it right. He roiled our moral and intellectual Hollywood betters by laying out a heavy dose of the truth. Said he, “You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world.” But some in Hollywood still can’t help themselves. The evidence? A new documentary about Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's set to air on Hulu this March. Like that creepy spirit living in the TV set in Poltergeist, "She's ba-a-a-ack!" The new Hillary docupic, appropriately entitled Hillary, can only add to the painful idol-worship of an angry loser whose constant whining is like the annoying buzz of mosquito wings in our ears. ##### What’s that buzzing sound?

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Documentary "Hillary" coming to Hulu this March. Hulu screen capture.

~ Yes, now thanks to filmmaker Nanette Burnstein, Hulu subscribers – 25 million strong – will soon have an opportunity to view a four-hour-long documentary series on First Lady, New York Senator, Secretary of State, heroine of Benghazi and failed presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton. ~<div class="wp-caption aligncenter" id="attachment_126582" style="width: 610px">

Filmmaker Nanette Burnstein. Sundance Channel screen capture.

~~~ But the irony in all this is that Hulu’s subscription base is comprised predominantly of millennials. 85 percent of them subscribe to Over-The-Top (OTT) video service platforms like Hulu. According to ABC, this is the same demographic that in the 2016 Democratic primaries preferred septuagenarian socialist Bernie Sanders by 71 percent to Hillary Clinton’s 28. ##### **The grudge**

For the record, nobody holds a grudge like Hillary Clinton. Particularly when it comes to Bernie and his Bernie Bros. In the upcoming Hillary docupic, which debuted during the recent Sundance Film Festival, HRH lays out her talking points in a classic example of psychological projection.

“He [Bernie Sanders] was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”

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Hillary Clinton gets ready for her closeup. Hulu screen capture.

~~~ But notice that Clinton ascribes her rejection by voters as symptomatic of their deep-seated character flaws. Those on the right, for instance, represent the nation’s vast “basket of deplorables.” On the other hand, the Bernie Bros, Bernie’s young, hard-left acolytes, are simple suckers. Remarkably, every single setback she experiences in her remarkably unremarkable career is due to the faults of others and never her own. ##### **Defensive, practiced, and difficult**

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Brett Kavanaugh pro-abortion protestors dressed as characters from “The Handmaid’s Tale.” KTVU Fox 2 San Francisco screen capture.

~~~ Is it reasonable, then, to assume millennials will skip Hulu’s feminist fever dream “The Handmaid's Tale” to view the upcoming Hillary docupic? A film all about a woman whose performance the Hollywood Reporter describes as “guarded, defensive and practiced”? Surely that's a doubtful outcome. The truth is much simpler. Finally, at long last, it seems that many Americans in all age groups have concluded that Hillary Clinton is getting a little long in the tooth. So they continue to swat wildly at that annoying political pest buzzing incessantly in their ears. ******

Also Read: NYT endorses Warren, Klobuchar declaring war on America’s deplorables

In his book “How to Deal with Difficult People,” Gill Hasson describes such blood-sucking killjoys. They want

“… you to adopt their values, beliefs and ways of doing things. They never hesitate to let you know, in totally inappropriate ways, that you just don’t measure up.”

Deplorables and suckers! Oh, and that unlikeable Bernie! ##### Digital vs the tactile

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Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. Hulu screen capture.

~~~ Whether she likes you or not – in fact, whether she likes this or not – Hillary Clinton was relegated to the ash heap of history in Election 2016 by the very basket of deplorables and suckers she detests. These same folks should listen to advice offered by Hasson on dealing with difficult people.

“If you can’t (or won’t) cut them out of your life, minimize that amount of time you spend with them. Tell them as little about yourself as you can. Don’t seek their approval…”

And take things one step further. When their Hollywood admirers make four-hour streaming documentaries about them, like Hulu's current Hillary docupic, shut off your digital devices. Tune her out. And then pick up a good book instead.


*Top Image: Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Via Hulu trailer screen capture.*

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