Tweet of the Week #71: 88 Iconic Anime Akira Predicted 2020 Olympic Game Turmoils

In what turned out to be a worldwide famous coincidence, cult cyberpunk anime Akirapredicted that (Neo) Tokyo would host the 2020 Olympic games. In a spooky parallel with the real world, in Akira’s post-apocalyptic world too, people are calling for the cancellation of the games.

Akira nailed it

Set in 2019, 31 years after World War III, Katsuhiro Otomo’s monument of science-fiction, Akiratells about a rather dark world struggling to get back to normal while a mysterious force is strengthening to plunge Neo Tokyo into yet another doom.

Akirais a phenomenal work of animation which has inspired countless movies and shows, including The Matrixtrilogy no less. The combination of thrilling artwork and a highly complicated plot combining teenage gangs, psychic kids, and top-secret government experiments has not aged a bit.

But what certainly struck people the most is how Akira somehow foresaw the future on so many levels.

Just Cancel It

Last Friday marked exactly 147 days until the 2020 Games opening ceremony on July 24th. A countdown that echoed with a particular scene from the movie, which shows a signboard reading オリンピックあと= “147 Days Until The Tokyo Olympic Games”.

Entirely in phase with the current call to cancel 2020’s Olympics due to the coronavirus, graffiti under the signboard reads だ中止which means “just cancel it!”

The hashtag #中止だ中止is officially now trending on Twitter.

Twitter user @zombie0928 wrote“中止するタイミングはがいいぞ。” (Today is the best day to announce the cancellation of the Olympic games.)

Another twitter user, @egg68389419, posted a screenshot from Akiraside-by-side with an actual poster in real-life Tokyo. That is just spooky.

While we all wish for the Olympics to take place after all the effort Japan made for the infamous stadium to be ready on time, the current situation is quite worrisome. Was last Friday the best timing to announce a cancellation indeed?

“The best day is today.”

Here’s how to build a sentence to express that something is “the best” or “the most” using the expression 一番.

  • Noun + は/が 一番\+ adjective +

でジブリは一番だ。= Ghibli is the best known (studio) in the world.

  • Verb-dictionary form + のは/のが 一番 + adjective + だ

アニメをるのが一番きだ。= Watching anime is what I prefer to do the most/the best.


東京オリンピック	toukyou orinpikku	Tokyo Olympics
開催	kaisei	opening
迄	made	until
あと	ato	after
日	nichi	day
中止	chyuushi	cancel
発表する	happyou suru	announce
タイミング	taimingu	timing
今日	kyou	today
一番	ichiban	 the best, the most
いい	ii	 good
世界で	sekai de	in the world
ジブリ	jiburi	Studio Ghibli
有名	yuumei	famous, known
アニメ	anime	 Japanese animation
見る	miru	watch
好き	suki	 like

Just to be clear, the International Olympic Committee has vehemently deniedthere is any chance of the Tokyo Olympic games being canceled.

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