Kathy Griffin, suffering from TDS, losing her head over coronavirus

WASHINGTON. Comedian Kathy Griffin has found it difficult to rise above her D-list, or TDS list, celebrity status following her antics with the severed head of the President. And her feelings of inadequacy compel her to perform attention-getting stunts. Recently, Griffin tweeted she was suffering in a hospital from what she believed might be Wuhan flu. A claim that sounded more like a cry for attention.

Off with their heads!

Anti-Trump demonstrator screams as Trump takes oath of office. YouTube screen capture.

Kathy Griffin Destroys her own “career”

Back in 2017, she sought to outdo more popular celebrities in the throes of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) following Hillary Clinton’s humiliating defeat at the hands of Donald Trump.

That’s when she posed for a photo with a mask of President Trump fashioned to look like the severed head of Holofernes – with Griffin in the role of Judith. The jest garnered near-universal condemnation.

Numerous venues canceled appearances by the comedian, with fake-news CNN terminating Griffin’s annual appearance on the network’s New Year’s Eve show with co-host Anderson Cooper.

And the displeasure over her photo extended beyond our shores.

Griffin told Buzzfeed a London cab driver of Moroccan descent said he “would cut my tongue out” if they were back in his homeland. A heartwarming introduction to the wonders of intolerant multiculturalism.

The furor engendered by her TDS stunt shocked Griffin, compelling her to issue an apology. In an interview with entertainment website TMZ, Griffin said,

“I sincerely apologize… I crossed the line… The image is too disturbing.”

Kathy Griffin gives tearful apology at news conference. ABC News screen capture.

She eventually retracted her apology.

Wuhan blues

More recently, with a global pandemic in the news, Griffin took to Twitter and told her 2.1 million followers she is in the hospital with symptoms she claims are consistent with Wuhan flu.

But the folks at the Los Angeles Times are dubious,

“Kathy Griffin might have been exposed to the coronavirus. Or she might not have.”

And it’s the “might not have” part that’s driving her crazy.

“I was sent to the #COVID19 isolation wardroom in a major hospital ER from a separate urgent care facility after showing UNBEARABLY PAINFUL symptoms,” Griffin tweeted. “The hospital couldn’t test me for #coronavirus…”

So, what are the CDC’s guidelines for testing for Wuhan flu:

“Clinicians should use their judgment to determine if a patient has signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and whether the patient should be tested. Most patients with confirmed COVID-19 have developed a fever and/or symptoms of acute respiratory illness (e.g., cough, difficulty breathing).”

The CDC also defines which patients are non-priorities for receiving the scarce test:

“Individuals without symptoms.”
A pandemic of a different sort

But Griffin clearly tests positive for a different malady altogether. And her exam did not require a nurse to draw blood or a lab to analyze it. Better yet, no seriously ill patients were pushed aside to accommodate her unreasonable demands.

Griffin’s disease, which afflicts so many entertainers – from top-flight performers to attention-starved D-listers – is TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome

As Griffin tweeted:

“The hospital couldn’t test me for #coronavirus because of CDC (Pence task force) restrictions. #TESTTESTTEST.”

The often-heard phrase “never let a crisis go to waste” mostly applies to politicians who cravenly exploit calamities to gain or expand power. But it also provides hysterical, low-echelon entertainers down on their luck a platform to whine about their predicament at the hands of a cruel world . Oh, and how the Trump administration is out to get them.

As the LA Times later reported, Griffin became ill after returning home from a trip to Mexico, a travel destination renowned for giving visitors Montezuma’s Revenge.

Kathy Griffin was later released from the hospital and sent home to self-isolate. A condition with which she is all too familiar. What is interesting is that if you expand the photo you see the hospital did not feel it necessary to give Griffin, in incredible pain, even oxygen.

No oxygen?

In the end, an attention-starved and desperate Kathy Griffin seems to have lost her head.



*Top Images: (Left) Comedian Kathy Griffin poses with bloody mask of
President Donald Trump in photo by Tyler Shields. (Right) Photo Kathy Griffin tweeted from hospital.*

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