Lemon and baking soda tea doesn’t cure Covid-19

A WhatsApp message circulating in India about a concoction of lemon and baking soda is false and has no scientific evidence to prove that it may prevent or cure people of Covid-19.

By Nabeela Khan

A Whatsapp message claiming a bogus cure for Covid-19 is doing rounds in India. This message claims that “the cure for Covid-19 or the way was achieved. Information comes from Israel where no death has been reported from Covid-19. The message elaborates to explain the recipe for this magic treatment.

It claims that if we “mix lemon and baking soda (soda bicarbonate) and drink it as hot tea every afternoon, the action of the lemon with hotter baking soda [will] immediately kills the virus”.

We searched the WHO’s global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) repository and found that there is no scientific finding and research that lemon or soda or a mix of both can cure or prevent Covid-19.

In fact, according to the WHO , “at this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.”

The WhatsApp message also claims there has been no death in Israel due to Covid-19.

However, according to Johns Hopkins data, Israel has reported 34 deaths and a total of 6,808 confirmed cases as on April 3, 2020.

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