Captain John Parker and fighting America's evil Mayors

WASHINGTON: Tucker Carlson put it out there as about as straight forward as can be put. This government lockdown, lockup, quarantine, neo-Gestapo, or whatever the flavor of totalitarian viciousness is, is staring straight-on at the people. And it does not wear a mask. Whether from municipal flunkies to state government lackeys or Washington hacks, evil is confronting and affronting the people. Mayors tell them where to go, when to go, what to wear and whom they may see.

And it isn’t going to stop.

Whether it is Mayors in Michigan (Whitmer), New Jersey (Murphy), or L.A. California (Garcetti), these government varmints are determined to steal the people’s taxes and order them into submission.

The ghost of Lexington’s militia commander Captain John Parker may be the only vaccine against an overreaching government. If it is still available in the hearts of patriots.

The lockdown has sick and demented people like Garcetti, the Mayor of L.A. destroying public property to bend the will of the people. By his own admission, Garcetti had sand dumped into a park to prevent people from using the park against his orders. A taxpaying citizen would be jailed for destroying public property.

Garcetti gets a television interview.

Media and Mayors protecting the child-like populace unable to think for themselves

It has as part of its Joseph Goebbels-like propaganda a so-called news media supporting its claim to protect the people. Only a handful of former “free press” practitioners ply the former honest trade of journalism and reporting.

Such protections come from spying on people with illegal drone spying (illegal searches) and fascist snitches. Where is the French resistance when they are needed? They took care of snitches. The Squad with its collective heads shaved: one can only smile. (Bill de Blasio urges New Yorkers to snitch on neighbors who violate social distancing -Violations reported to 311 will ensure that ‘enforcement comes right away)

The Bill of Rights is to modern society as Vaudeville is to show business.

Or that something once enjoyed and profitable, is now no more than nostalgia in drag. Dressed as one thing but underneath, a rotted-out soul.

Right here in Houston, Texas (Harris County) a county judge, 27-year old Lina Hidalgo issued an “order” that no one can go outside without a mask. Foolishness is the disease of fools.

Mayor Bill De Blasio: The CoronaVirus worm in the Big Apple

Fools are elected because fools vote in wholesale numbers in democracies—not in republics.

The people gave up the republic long ago in favor of our precious democracy. Hidalgo is only one result. The lockdown is many.

In a (fortunate) touch of irony, the Houston Police Department said they cannot and will not enforce such an edict.

So, this juvenile judge (while wearing a mask) issues an illegal order (in Spanish) and still collects a paycheck while being an idiot. And she giggles and twaddles all day long.

Perfect storm brews in Portland Maine, as Mayor, Council welcome illegals

The same people who hollered and screamed (and still do) for some fictitious “right to vote,” are the ones who suffer most under these, not only iron-fisted but moronic government thugs.

And that’s what they seem to be—thugs.

The evil thugs of the pandemic – stealing your Bill of Rights

It is beyond the imagination of anyone with a modicum of intelligence that most of these people are not as stupid as they sound.

The only alternative is that they are evil.

Listening to these politicians spout pithy little aphorisms like “we are all in this together,” is like Charles Manson saying he was a victim of injustice. We are not all in Nancy Pelosi’s icebox eating designer ice cream. We don’t sit at home or from some private room ordering people to stay at home without pay while we get perhaps $200.000.00 (for staying home). All in it together? Horsefeathers!

Politicians are all in our pocketbooks together.

These people are not simply The Loyal Opposition.

They are the evil opposition.

Captain John Parker

Once upon a time members of English colonies felt no matter what, they had to be loyal to the British Crown. They believed in loyalty even to extent that that sovereign crown and its duly elected parliament were forcing ungodly laws (“…we are endowed by our creator…”) on them.

Probably no more than a third of these colonists ever really saw the evil that had taken its sovereign mother country by the soul.

Enough, finally for that one third. At a place called Concord, a man by the name of Captain John Parker spoke these famous words. “If there is to be a war, let it begin here.”

Watch that ice cream, Nancy. It’s got a lot of calories. If the rest of you gets as fat as your head, you may have to join the opera.

And the opera ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings,


Paul Yarbrough writes novels, short stories, poetry, and essays. His first novel. Mississippi Cotton is a Kindle bestseller.

His author site can be found on Amazon. He writes political commentary for CommDigiNews</a

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