Mark Zuckerberg: Advertisers will be back on Facebook 'soon enough'

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg allegedly isn't worried about brands pulling advertising from the platform. Several big name brands, including Unilever and Coca-Cola, have pulled all advertising from Facebook for 30 days as part of a campaign named Stop Hate for Profit, which aims to get the social networking site to change the way it handles hateful content. In a staff meeting, Zuckerberg is alleged to have said: "My guess is that all these advertisers will be back on the platform soon enough. We're not going to change our policies or approach on anything because of a threat to a small percent of our revenue." However, Facebook have confirmed their chief executive is to meet with the organisers of the Stop Hate for Profit boycott in order to discuss the campaign. The boycott was kickstarted when Zuckerberg sparked controversy last month, after he refused to take down a post by US President Donald Trump. Amid the Black Lives Matter protests following the death of unarmed African American George Floyd, Trump had written: "When the looting starts, the shooting starts." Meanwhile, Sir Nick Clegg recently defended Facebook's actions as "freedom of expression", and said they believe it's better to fight hurtful and offensive content with "more speech". Britain's former Liberal Democrat leader wrote: "When content falls short of being classified as hate speech - or of our other policies aimed at preventing harm or voter suppression - we err on the side of free expression because, ultimately, the best way to counter hurtful, divisive, offensive speech, is more speech. "With so much content posted every day, rooting out the hate is like looking for a needle in a haystack." He insisted: "I want to be unambiguous: Facebook does not profit from hate. "We may never be able to prevent hate from appearing on Facebook entirely, but we are getting better at stopping it all the time."

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