Coronavirus Deaths Projected To Increase To Up To 227,000 By Election Day

Wuhan novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

New coronavirus models of 23 research groups in the United States forecast the death toll of 151,000 by Aug. 1 and 157,000 by Aug. 8.

The University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Reich lab published the projections on Tuesday on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Other researchers predict even more losses. The University of Washington’s IHME model reported on Wednesday that there may be 224,000 deaths on Nov. 1, while a New York-based independent modeler Youyang Gu, predicts 227,000 deaths by Nov. 1.

Just in three weeks, new coronavirus cases increased from 40,000 a day to 75,000 daily cases. Thirty-five states across the country report increase in new cases, with Florida, Texas and South Carolina reporting record numbers of deaths on Thursday.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) expressed concern over more possible new cases.

“We are seeing state after state not just facing escalating cases, but facing devastation,” Beshear told the New York Times. “When you put up record numbers of cases, while our hospitals are working really hard, we will see more death.”

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), chairman of the National Governors Association, said on Friday that mandatory mask rule should be implemented in the whole country in order to prevent coronavirus infection.

“If everyone were wearing masks when they’re in public and in contact, the virus cannot spread,” Hogan said during an interview on Good Morning America when asked whether he supports a national mask mandate. “And it would be the most effective thing.”


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