Facebook bans blackface and anti-Semitic stereotypes in hate speech update

Facebook has banned blackface and anti-Semitic stereotypes in a new hate speech update.

The company has updated its policy to include a ban on "caricatures of Black people in the form of blackface" and "Jewish people running the world or controlling major institutions such as media networks, the economy or the government".

Monika Bickert, Facebook's head of policy management, said: "This type of content has always gone against the spirit of our hate speech policies."

Guy Rosen, Facebook's VP of Integrity, wrote in a blog post: "We've made progress combating hate on our apps, but we know we have more to do to ensure everyone feels comfortable using our services. That's why we've established new inclusive teams and task forces, including the Instagram Equity Team and the Facebook Inclusive Product Council, to help us build products that are deliberately fair and inclusive, and we're launching a Diversity Advisory Council that will provide input based on lived experience on a variety of topics and issues.

"We're also updating our policies to more specifically account for certain kinds of implicit hate speech, such as content depicting blackface, or stereotypes about Jewish people controlling the world. We also continued to prioritise the removal of content that violates our policy against hate groups. Since October 2019, we've conducted 14 strategic network disruptions to remove 23 different banned organisations, over half of which supported white supremacy."

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