Truth or tall tale?

As we grapple with the tsunami of misinformation, the truth must prevail. We need systems in place to ensure that every piece of information published on public platforms undergo critical fact check evaluation.

By Dr. Maulik Patel

We are living in a world where information travels faster than the speed of light. Medical miracles take place every day, especially on social media platforms. Not that the newspapers and traditional media channels can resist stories of home remedies for COVID-19, cancers cured by alternative medicine, and the whole gamut of diseases that are treated miraculously!

Fact-checking can save many lives. Yet few of us are aware of even the basics of this fundamental exercise to fight medical misinformation and fake news. As a medical doctor, deeply interested in fact-checking, here are a few observations that I’ve made:

(The author is a consultant physician at Divine Life Hospital and Managing Director at Medicaid Healthcare LLP in Kutch, India. He is also a member of First Check.)

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