Facebook to launch news service in UK, Germany and more

Facebook plans to launch its news service in the UK, Germany, France, India and Brazil shortly.

Mark Zuckerberg's firm launched the feature, which sees the social media giant pay publishers for their content and posts reporting from over 200 outlets, including local news, is set to expand into new territories in the next few months.

In 2019, Facebook spent $300 million in local news.

The platform vowed to help out outlets with news programs, partnerships and initiatives, plus grants for local reporting, newsrooms, and promised to help improve and grow their partnerships program.

Facebook introduced the 'Today In' section of the app solely for local news, which gathers all the latest news - including traffic and crime alerts - in cities around the US and Australia.

The investment came after the social media app came under fire for the spreading of misinformation.

A former head of intelligence agency GCHQ, recently claimed it could become a threat to democracy if tougher regulations are not introduced.

Robert Hannigan accused Facebook of being more concerned with making money than "protecting your privacy".

He said: "This isn't a kind of fluffy charity providing free services. It's is a very hard-headed international business and these big tech companies are essentially the world's biggest global advertisers, that's where they make their billions.

"So in return for the service that you find useful they take your data ... and squeeze every drop of profit out of it."

Zuckerberg had vowed to prioritize " high quality, trustworthy" news.

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