Former Florida AG Pam Bondi, Who Ended Probe Of Trump University, Calls Biden ‘Corrupt’ At RNC

Pam Bondi, Former Florida Attorney General

Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi criticized Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden during the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Wednesday night accusing him of corruptly supporting his son Hunter Biden.

“We all know about Joe’s son Hunter Biden,” she said. “A corrupt Ukrainian oligarch put Hunter on the board of his gas company, even though he had no experience in the country or in the energy sector. None. Yet he was paid millions to do nothing.”

Bondi is an odd messenger. She was accused of a quid pro quo with President Donald Trump back in 2016, when she dropped Florida’s probe into Trump University – weeks before Trump contributed $25,000 to her re-election campaign.

She further accused Hunter of meeting up with Chinese bankers for his benefit while Joe Biden was vice president. 

“Talk to the folks in middle America who lost countless jobs to China while your son was getting rich with them,” Bondi said. “Joe says we’ll build back better. Yeah, build the Bidens back better.”

Bondi was one of the 12 “key speakers” in RNC, half of whom were Trumps.


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