'PUBG Mobile' has banned two million accounts in just one week

'PUBG Mobile' has banned two million accounts in just one week.

The makers of the downloadable game have revealed via Twitter that two million accounts were banned from the platform between August 20 and August 27 due to various forms of cheating.

It's been confirmed that 32 percent of players were banned for using x-ray vision, while 27 percent were banned for using auto-aim, 12 percent for using speed hacks, and 22 percent for unspecified reasons.

The tweet read: "From August 20th to August 27th, 2,273,152 accounts and 1,424,854 devices have been permanently suspended from accessing our game, out of which these are the reasons:

12%: Speed Cheats

22%: Other

27%: Auto-Aim Cheats

32%: X-Ray Vision (sic)"

'PUBG Mobile' has been downloaded over 600 million times since it was released back in 2018.

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