More 'Borderlands' news will be shared during PAX Online

More 'Borderlands' news will be shared during PAX Online.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, neither PAX Australia nor PAX West will be taking place, so as a replacement PAX Online is being held virtually from September 12th - September 20th.

Now 'Borderlands 3' creator Gearbox Software have revealed that they will be taking part and will be making an appearance during the first day, and it seems they may have an exciting announcement to make.

Taking to Twitter, Gearbox announced that they will be hosting the Gearbox Digital Showcase, and teased that during the event they will reveal "what's coming next in Borderlands and from Gearbox Publishing".

They haven't revealed any more details as of yet, so it's unclear if it will be about an update for "Borderlands 3', more news about the upcoming 'Borderlands' movie, or something different that's related to the 'Borderlands' franchise.

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