Lindsay Lohan Sued By Publisher HarperCollins For $365,000 Advance On Book She Never Wrote

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is being sued by HarperCollins for allegedly collecting a $365,000 advance on a book she never wrote.

According to the lawsuit filed by the publishing company in New York Supreme Court, Lohan and her company Crosshart Productions entered a book deal with HarperCollins in 2014 and were expected to produce a manuscript by the following year. In 2016, when Lohan had still not submitted anything, the companies agreed to give the star until 2017. HarperCollins also alleged that they paid Crosshart Productions $365,000 as an advance that was given to Lohan.

“The Defendants failed to deliver a complete manuscript for the Work to the Plaintiff by the contractually agreed upon deadline and to this day they have failed to deliver a complete manuscript,” the suit said.

In 2018, HarperCollins reportedly notified Crosshart Productions that the deal was off and that the contract was terminated, and demanded that Lohan pay back the advance at that time. In the lawsuit they claim she has yet to pay back the advance. They are now demanding she return the $365,000, as well as the cost of legal fees, court costs and “further relief as this Court deems to be just and proper.”

The suit said that “by failing to return the money to the Plaintiff upon the Defendants’ breach of the agreement, the Defendants have received a windfall and have been unjustly enriched.”

Lohan was reportedly offered a $1 million book deal, and the story was set to feature journal entries from her past experience in rehab.


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