Jameela Jamil: My privilege gives me clear skin

Jameela Jamil credits her "privilege" with giving her clear skin.

The 'Good Place' star has said coming from a place of privilege with her career and her finances means she has "more access to good quality nutrition" and has a "less stressful" life than others, which has helped her develop a flawless complexion.

When asked on Instagram how she gets her skin "so perfect", she wrote: "My skin is currently clear because: A) privileged people have more access to good quality nutrition and also our lives are significantly less stressful than the lives of those with less privilege. I also get to sleep more because of this. All these things keep my hormones in balance and I'm able to address food intolerances easily. (sic)"

Jameela also said her glowing skin comes from her belief that "trans rights are human rights", before finally sharing a genuine beauty tip.

She added: "B) I believe that trans rights are human rights.

"C) I exfoliate twice a week. (sic)"

And the 34-year-old actress garnered support from fellow star Demi Lovato, who commented on Jameela's post.

The 'Anyone' singer wrote: "god I love you (sic)"

Jameela is known for using her platform to speak out on important issues, and earlier this month posted on social media to mark World Suicide Prevention Day with a post explaining why she's glad to have survived her attempt to take her own life seven years ago.

She wrote at the time: "Surviving suicide has been the most extraordinary gift to me in being able to still be here and remind the people I love that sometimes it's just a particularly overwhelming hour, day, week, or month. And that it can and normally will pass, and that with even small incremental changes and reaching out to even just one person for help, life really can get better.

"Please hang on."

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