Bird Strike Forces Air Force Two To Land Only Moments After Taking Off

Mike Pence announces plans for

Vice President Mike Pence’s official aircraft, Air Force Two, struck a bird upon takeoff from Manchester, New Hampshire, forcing it to land. Individuals present at the scene reported that the sparks seemed to be flying from one of the engines.

On September 22, almost immediately after lifting off from Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, Air Force Two collided with at least one bird that was flying in range. The vice president and the other passengers were in no immediate danger. The damage that the engines sustained was enough to motivate the pilots to land back on the airstrip.

Later that day, Assistant Secretary of Health Brett Giroir, who was present during the event, tweeted a thank you message to the aircraft pilot and staff. The caption read, “Air Force 2 has a little different look tonight. Now in a C17 and happy for it! Thanks to the pilots and crew for getting us safely back on the ground.”

Pence, who had been campaigning throughout the state on Donald Trump’s behalf, made his return trip to the nation’s capital on a C-17 cargo airplane that the Secret Service uses to transport their vehicles securely.


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