Must-Try Snacks & Beverages This Fall In Japan

Who else has been waiting all year for the autumn deliciousness? We sure did. Check out our selection of the best Japanese snacks & beverages for this fall.

Hands down, Fall is the best season. What’s not to love? The cooler temperature, the leaves changing color, feeling cozy in your snuggly sweater, and of course, let’s not forget the deliciousautumn food… And Japan certainly knows how to do fall snacks the right way.

It’s time to celebrate with the best flavor of fall! Okay, so it was impossible to pick just the one. I mean, who would find choosing between yakiimo (sweet potato) and kuri (chestnut) easy? Definitely not me. And you’ll find so many yakiimo and kuri flavored products during this season. Supermarkets, convenience stores, cafes, and restaurants—it’s everywhere.

So, here is a compiled list of some of the best sweet potato and chestnuts treats to help you get started and straight into the fall mood. Oh, and nothing quite beats a good seasonal beer to pair with your snacks, so we’ve included that too—you’re welcome, and enjoy!

Sweet Potato

You know fall has arrived when you hear that familiar “yaaaakiiiimoooo” song and get a whiff of the sweet roasted potatoes coming from the yakiimo truck as it passes down the streets. You’re also bound to hear at least one kid scream “yakiimo” in excitement.

I’m sure you already know that yakiimo is the quintessential Japanese fall food. Nothing can quite bring you the same comfort as a hot, baked sweet potato which is why it’s enjoyed by everyone during this season. If you want a tasty Autumn treat, yakiimo is the way to go!

1.Häagen-Dazs Mitsu Imo

How do you like your potato? Well, if you like it sweet and chilled, you must try the Haagen Daz Mitsu Imo ice cream—a limited edition mini cup. The taste of the ice cream mixed with the sweet sauce and little chunks of beni-haruka (紅はるか) sweet potato can only be described as luxurious. Enjoy this outside while feeling the fall breeze!

2.Glico Cream Collon Sweet Potato

In need of a little afternoon pickup? Perhaps something light and creamy? Try the Cream Collon now available in sweet potato flavor! It’s got the perfect combination of sweet, creamy, and melt in your mouth texture that will delight your tasting experience.

Warning: these petite sweets can be addictive. You might find yourself going through them very quickly!


Another popular fall sweet theme is chestnut—kuri in Japanese. It can be used in both sweet and savory dishes which will satisfy and make it suitable for different taste buds. I guarantee that you won’t have a hard time searching for chestnut flavor products—the shelves are filled with an overwhelming amount of choice!

1.Morinaga Chestnut Cake

Everyone needs cake in their life. This fall, I highly recommend the Morinaga chestnut cake/pie. Only available during the autumn season, enjoy this soft cake with its creamy chestnut filling and sweet chocolate coating.

2.Lotte Chestnut chocolate

I mentioned that everybody needs cake in their life. But I strongly believe that they also need chocolate. That’s why you need to get your hands on the Lotte Chestnut Chocolate. It uses two types of chocolate which are woven into waguri(Japanese chestnut) chocolate. This definitely adds that extra special something to your normal chocolate.

Seasonal Japanese Autumn Beers

Now that you’ve stocked up on your fall snacks, it’s time to pair it with a cool, refreshing beverage. Seasonal products are not just limited to snacks and treats! Many Japanese breweries also like to offer beverages that go with the season. Make sure to give these limited-edition Japanese beers a try!

1.Kirin Aki Aji

Kirin Aki Aji has been around since 1991 and continues to make its comeback every fall. Although the design changes every year, the flavor remains the same. It will complement your fall snacks and also your fall dishes due to having a higher malt and alcohol percentage in comparison to the original Kirin beers.

2.Suntory The Premium Malts Aki Kaoru

If you’re after something a little richer with a stronger malt flavor, try the Suntory The Premium Malts Aki Kaoru. It’s fruity yet the malt flavor is still very evident. The perfect drink for a relaxing fall evening.

3.Asahi Aki no Utage

For a slightly more affordable yet great tasting beer, Asahi Aki no Utage is the one for you. It’s lighter in comparison to the other two, but you will still be able to enjoy the noticeable malt flavor.

Bonus Treats!

It’s not right to end this without including a few bonus treats! If you’re out and about, make a stop at these places and take away these autumnal-flavored treats.


Can’t get enough of chestnuts? Then, head straight to Pablo as they are not only offering delicious chestnut mont blanc but also a drinkable chestnut mont blanc in the form of a smoothie (what!?) The mont blanc will be offered at Pablo until November 30, while the mont blanc smoothie will be around until October 31.

2.Mister Donut

And finally. Mister Donut is currently enticing us with not 1 but 5 different sweet potato flavored donut options! For extra deliciousness, it’s recommended that you pop it in the microwave for 12 secs (600w) or 16 secs (500w). But of course, they can be enjoyed without the microwave and taste equally as good!

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