League of Legends fans notice bug during Worlds 2020 matches Will it be fixed before the playoffs?

A Worlds 2020 viewer noticed something concerning while watching matches in groups.

League of Legends players are now calling on Riot to fix a bug before the quarterfinals begin. One viewer noticed that when players attack a jungle plant using the Umbral Glaive item, the plant won't respawn. This immediately concerned the LoL community because that allows the red side to have blast cone access to the dragon pit much more quickly. Since Graves and Pantheon are in the current meta and Umbral Glaive is considered a core item, it's made the bug even more alarming and prevalent.

A Reddit user noticed the bug during a match in groups. 35 minutes into G2 and Suning's tiebreaker match, they saw Graves hit the blast cone on the minimap. The blast cone didn't respawn until the end of the game, which they knew from the lack of a green dot on the map.

With the blast cone gone, Gangplank was able to access G2's carries more easily in the last teamfight just 13 minutes later. It seemed that this bug may have cost G2 the game.

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This immediately raised concerns that the bug was making the game unfair, essentially breaking the game. It's apparently a bug that Chinese fans have been discussing throughout Worlds 2020. Viewers there noticed the bug when DAMWON Gaming's support, Suning's jungle, DRX's support, and LGD Gaming's support all attacked the jungle plant with Umbral Glaives. Most of those who witnessed the bug saw it take place when either Graves or Pantheon was being played.

Fans are wondering what will happen if the glitch isn't fixed in time for the quarterfinals. It's possible Umbral Glaives will be disabled, but this would have a serious impact on Graves. Jungle could even see a shift in meta if that happened. Senna and Pantheon would also be affected by the absence of Umbral Glaives.

Riot Games has yet to make a statement about the bug.

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