Lewis Capaldi has moved to London to work on second album

Lewis Capaldi has reportedly moved to London to finish work on his new album.

The 'Someone You Loved' hitmaker is said to have been in "great spirits" after landing in the capital city for a change of scenery amid the coronavirus pandemic, while Scotland's leader Nicola Sturgeon recently closed down thousands of pubs and restaurants across the country.

A source told The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column: "Lewis was in great spirits when he touched down in central London.

"He was at the Corinthia hotel with some mates and they were joking about having to come to London to have a drink.

“It was all in good spirits and Lewis was on top form, as always.”

It's said the 24-year-old singer has some business to attend to in the city, as he is set to spend the next couple of weeks finishing songs for his second record.

An insider added: "Lewis spent lockdown writing at home in Scotland for his next record. Now he’s got the task of finishing what he started.

“He’s booked himself into a hotel and will spend a fortnight putting pen to paper with top producers.

“Lewis wrote lots of tunes back at home and now it’s going to be a case of going through everything he has worked on and seeing where it can be improved or added to.

"He let off some steam over the weekend but now he’s focused on working on the record. It’s a really exciting time and he’s looking forward to trying to get into a studio soon.”

Lewis previously joked about the upcoming follow-up to his 2019 debut 'Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent' and insisted "people have suffered enough" this year for him to drop his new LP just yet.

He teased: "Hopefully I will release a new song and a new album next year.

"I won't release another album this year or anything.

"I think people have suffered enough in 2020 they don't need another song from me."

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