Emma Roberts blocked her mother on Instagram after pregnancy leak

Emma Roberts blocked her mother on Instagram after she accidentally confirmed her pregnancy.

The 29-year-old actress is currently expecting her first child with her boyfriend Garrett Hedlund, but didn’t get to reveal the good news herself, as her mother, Kelly Cunningham, was the one who told her fans through her Instagram account.

Emma recalled: "I was keeping my pregnancy pretty low key but unfortunately my mother has Instagram. Which, mothers and Instagram, it's a bad combination. She definitely spilled the beans.

“[Buying her an iPhone was] the worst thing I ever did. It started slow with a Google Alert on me, which she never had before, so she's like, 'Emma have you seen this photo from 2010?!' I'm like, 'Yes, I've seen that photo.' So I'm getting flooded with 'Is this true?' And 'Have you seen this and that?' And then she got Instagram.”

The ‘American Horror Story’ actress first had the news broken by a news outlet, and said Kelly thought the article was her daughter confirming the news, so assumed it was safe to post about it on social media.

She added: "It led to interacting with my fans and just thanking them for all their pregnancy wishes. It was a disaster, and I found it all out on a plane, so I couldn't get to her. I couldn't call her or attack her.

“She was like, 'Thank you so much for the well-wishes! We're so excited.' It was endless. My friends were sending me screen grabs. It was unbelievable. When I said to her, 'Mom, you revealed my pregnancy.' She goes, 'Emma, you announced it!' And I said, 'No I didn't. That was a tabloid.' She goes, 'Oh I didn’t ... that wasn't clear.’ ”

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