Three classic LucasArts games are coming to Xbox Game Pass

Three classic LucasArts games are coming to the Xbox Game Pass very soon.

Double Fine Productions founder Tim Schafer recently announced on the Xbox Podcast that the remastered version of three classic LucasArts games will soon be available on the Xbox Games Pass: the three titles are ‘Day of the Tentacle Remastered’, ‘Grim Fandango Remastered’, and ‘Full Throttle Remastered’.

The three games were originally released back in the 1990’s: so these games coming to the gaming service is a great opportunity for older gamers to experience some nostalgia by getting to play them again, plus it also means that younger gamers get to experience these classic games for the first time.

The three games will be available to Xbox Game Pass subscribers from October 29th 2020.

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