Billie Piper thought Doctor Who reboot would fail

Billie Piper thought the 'Doctor Who' reboot would be a failure.

The 38-year-old actress played the role of the Time Lord's companion Rose Tyler in the first two series of the resurrected BBC sci-fi show during the 2000s, but confessed to former co-star David Tennant - who played the 10th incarnation of the titular time traveller - that she didn't share his passion for the programme beforehand and felt that it would only last for a matter of months.

Speaking with the 'Des' star on the latest episode of his podcast, 'David Tennant Does A Podcast With...', Billie explained: "I didn't grow up with it, so I didn't have that feeling you had of complete fandom and you were obsessed right?

"Then, we started making it, everyone said it was going to be a failure. So you just don't imagine it being on for longer than three months, imagining that 15 years later, it's still probably the biggest job you will have ever done and you'll still be talking about it and going off and meeting people and you know, celebrating it."

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