Kate Winslet deliberately filmed sex scene with Saoirse Ronan on her birthday

Kate Winslet deliberately filmed her sex scene with Saoirse Ronan on her birthday.

The 'Ammonite' stars marked Saoirse's birthday in a memorable way after Kate organised for the filmmakers to record their intimate scene on the same day as her celebrations.

She told Entertainment Weekly: "I just wanted her to have, frankly, a great memory in her film life, regardless of how the scene played out or the movie turned out ... I knew that it would be [great] just because of the experience that we would share together."

Meanwhile, Kate previously admitted she was "by far the least self-conscious" she's ever been filming a sex scene with Saoirse Ronan in 'Ammonite'.

The 44-year-old actress said: "Saoirse and I choreographed the scene ourselves. It's definitely not like eating a sandwich. I just think Saoirse and I, we just felt really safe."

"I felt the proudest I've ever felt doing a love scene on 'Ammonite'. And I felt by far the least self-conscious."

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