Felicity Huffman completes her college admissions sentence

Felicity Huffman has completed her sentence for her part in the college admissions controversy.

Her spokesperson has confirmed to People magazine that she completed her full sentence, including jail time, community service and supervised release, for her involvement in the nationwide exam cheating scandal.

In May, Felicity admitted to paying $15,000 to have admissions consultant Rick Singer correct her daughter Sophia’s answers after she'd taken the SAT test.

The actress served 11 days of her 14-day prison sentence in October last year.

The former 'Desperate Housewives' star was also forced to complete 250 hours of community service and was on supervised release for one year.

Meanwhile, Lori Loughlin is expected to serve two months in jail, pay a $150,000 fine and complete 150 hours of community service for her part in the exams scandal.

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