Will Xmithie retire after parting ways with Immortals? Xmithie will not be using the Immortals colors in 2021.

Jungler Jake “Xmithie” Puchero won’t be returning to Immortals in 2021.

Immortals has allegedly decided to move forward without Xmithie on its roster, according to a report by ESPN. It means that Xmithie’s contract would be up for grabs next November 16. According to the report, Immortals is in the process of acquiring head coach Andre "Guilhoto" Pereira who’s still under contract with Astralis.

Will Xmithie retire from the LCS?

It’s unclear if Xmithie will find another team for 2021 or if he will consider retirement. Xmithie is the oldest player in the LCS at 29-years-old and also one of the best paid junglers in the region. Xmithie’s resume includes several international appearances and six LCS titles. No other jungler in the region is as accomplished as Xmithie.

In 2021, multiple teams are looking to rebuild. If Xmithie is planning on playing next year, he might hear some offers.

Where could Xmithie play in the LCS 2021?

The number of openings for junglers are limited ahead of 2021. Only Team Liquid and FlyQuest have junglers with expiring contracts this offseason. Unless one of the other teams decides to release its junglers, these are the only starting positions open in the LCS.

Out of Team Liquid and FlyQuest, Liquid seems like the only option. There’s no reason for FlyQuest not to renew its contract with jungler Lucas "Santorin" Larsen. If Team Liquid completes the acquisition of top laner Barney “Alphari” Morris, the team would be out of imports slots and in need of a resident jungler, since everything seems to indicate that Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen will be the sacrificial lamb.

Another possible option is Counter Logic Gaming. The organization is yet to announce any plans, but it’s in the market for a new head coach. A new coaching staff might want to shake things up and start with a clean slate.

The free agency opens on November 16 at 7 PM, ET.

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