Xbox boss Phil Spencer says Xbox Game Pass is ‘sustainable’ at current value

Xbox boss Phil Spencer says Xbox Game Pass is ‘sustainable’ at its current value.

During a recent episode of the 'Dropped Frames' podcast, the Xbox chief discussed the future of Xbox Game Pass.

after some developers expressed concern about the subscription service and Xbox's long-term goals.

Speaking during the podcast, he said: "I’ll be honest, there are developers that have some concerns [about Xbox Game Pass], and my inbox is there, and I have conversations with a lot of those developers asking what are our real long-term goals?

"We get questions about: hey is this some kind of way [to] secure a bunch of players and then rack the price up to a new level? And I say: there's no plan for us to do anything like that. We like the value that Game Pass is today and from a business model it's completely sustainable the way it is. And I mean that."

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