Sacha Baron Cohen Rescinds Job Offer To Donald Trump After Election Loss

Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen's Character, Goes Door To Door For Trump:

Sacha Baron Cohen took back his job offer to Donald Trump after the president lost his re-election campaign on Saturday.

Cohen had jokingly offered Trump a job last month, following the release of the Borat sequel, Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm. The sequel poked fun at the Trump administration and featured an unflattering scene of Rudy Giuliani. In the film, it appears that the personal attorney to Trump has his hands down his pants while alone with actress Maria Bakalova, who was playing Borat’s daughter going undercover as a journalist.

After the movie’s release Trump called Cohen a “creep,” which provoked Cohen to tweet: “Donald—I appreciate the free publicity for Borat! I admit, I don’t find you funny either. But yet the whole world laughs at you. I’m always looking for people to play racist buffoons, and you’ll need a job after Jan. 20. Let’s talk!”

But, apparently the actor changed his mind on Saturday after it was announced that Joe Biden had officially won the election. Trump has continued to refuse the outcome of the election, and has claimed without evidence that Democrats are stealing the election.

“Donald—you’re out of work and I know I offered you a job,” tweeted Cohen. “But your performance this past week was tragic and sad. Offer rescinded.”



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