LoL: Astralis Adds Zanzara, Jeskla And Promiq To Starting LEC Roster

Astralis is set to make a number of changes to their roster ahead of the 2021 Spring Split.

With Alphari already rumored to be off to the LCS with Team Liquid, it looks like Astralis is only set to keep mid laner Nukeduck for 2021. According to Esportmaniacos in Spain, Astralis is set to add AGO Rogue jungler Zanarah, and mousesports bot lane duo Jeskla and promisq. With the team just looking for a top laner to fill out the roster.

The roster itself is likely going to be a “development” roster for Astralis. Most of the players have played in LoL esports for a number of years. Additionally, Zanzarah previously played with Origen back in 2019 on their Academy side. Ultimately, the roster looks like one not intended to compete for the crown. Instead, it appears that Astralis will be looking to restructure for the 2021 season.

The news means that Xerxe, Upset, Destiny, and Jactroll will be looking for new teams in 2021. No rumors are currently circulating regarding these players, though given the pedigree of some members, expect to hear something soon.

Not a title-winning roster

The new roster is unlikely to set Astralis fans' pulses racing. While promisq comes with former G2 Esports experience, the majority of the roster has spent 2020 in the European Regional series. Zanzarah does come into the roster as the current European Master titleholder, which will no doubt add value.

The two mousesports members finished EU Masters in 3rd—4th place, losing out to eventual winners Rogue. Despite coming through the regional leagues, only Jeskla is sub-24 years old. He spent time in 2019 with Excel Esports and would be taking his second swing at the LEC. Zanzarah would, on the other hand, be playing his rookie split.

Obviously, we don’t know the top lane for Astralis just yet. However, this roster does look like one to plug a gap ahead of 2022, which isn’t what you want to hear if you’re an Astralis fan.