Riot previews new Marauder, Warden skins for Kalista, Quinn, more Kalista, Quinn, and Gragas finally got a new skin.

Riot recently introduced four brand new skins to close out the year.

The skins include new cosmetics for Kalista, Kled, Quinn, and Gragas. Both Kalista and Kled will be receiving skins for the Marauder skin line, joining champions such as Olaf, Warwick, Alistar, and Ashe who already have Marauder cosmetics. It also looks like Xin Zhao will be receiving a Marauder skin.

Quinn and Gragas will receive some light-themed heavenly skins in the Warden skin line, where Jax, Karma, Nautilus, and Sivir are already included. The skins were originally previewed on the League of Legends Brazil Twitter page with each splash art provided.

Kalista, Quinn, and Gragas to receive new LoL skins

Once again, Riot is clearly targeting some champions that rarely see any love from the skins department. Kalista, Quinn, and Gragas were all members of the “1000 days club," reserved for champions that haven’t received a new skin in 1,000 days or more. The three champions will now exit that club, as Riot has been working towards making skins for the forgotten champions in the game.

Here is the first look at the four new skins.

Marauder Kalista

Marauder Kled

Marauder Xin Zhao

Warden Quinn

Warden Gragas

Riot quickly confirmed that all skins will be priced at 1350 RP. All skins will be available for testing on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) very soon.

What lane is Kalista?

Kalista is mostly seen in the bot lane, but can also be played in the top lane in certain matchups. She is considered a marksman, who thrives the best with a support by her side. Kalista has also been seen in the top lane by professional players, often to punish the opponent in lane.

Is Quinn top good?

Quinn top can be a good pick in certain matchups. Quinn isn’t necessarily a meta champion but is often used as a counter pick in the top lane. She is very good as a lane bully and can punish melee champions very hard with her range and mobility. She is also a good split pusher in the late game.

What is a skin in League of Legends?

A skin in League of Legends is a cosmetic for a champion that is played in the game. Skins can be purchased in the LoL store for Riot Points and be worn in the game. Skins don’t give any advantage in the games, but will only have an effect on the champion’s appearance.

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