LoL: Winners And Losers Of Preseason 11- Mid Lane Edition

Play these mid laners for some free wins.

Preseason has settled down and Riot doesn’t plan on making any big changes before Season 11. Get a head start on your competition by learning the meta and picking the champions that won the preseason.

S Tier - Champions that you should pick if they aren’t banned

Fizz - The menace of the mid lane

  • An extremely slippery AP assassin that can outplay any situation.
  • Tons of damage from new items with the strong core of Nightharvester and Lich Bane.
  • Has no bad matchups in the mid lane with Kassadin being less oppressive than before.

Kayle - The auto-win champ of mid lane

  • Hyper Scales through levels.
  • Provides raw damage, utility and survivability while also hard carrying.
  • Can get outranged by poke champions and have trouble getting into fights.

Ekko - The Season 11 item abuser

  • The slightly worse Fizz of the mid lane.
  • With high burst and outplay potential, Ekko can take over games with his ability to get in and get out.
  • Works well with all the new AP items of Season 11.

A Tier - Champions that are strong, but require a little more work to pull off

Annie- The easiest champion in the mid lane

  • Simple kit with a straightforward goal of flash ulting enemies to make picks.
  • Buffs to her shield have made her more viable in the season 11 climate of high mobility champions.

Viktor - The unleashed mid lane carry

  • No longer shackled by his core items, Viktor can now come online much earlier.
  • Struggles against assassins and invisible champions.
  • Luden’s Echo provides Viktor with Burst and Outplay potential allowing him to carry in Season 11.

Zed - Lethality item abuser.

  • Zed can get in and get out of fights with the new Duskblade.
  • Struggles to outplay the current meta champions such as Fizz and Ekko.

B Tier - Viable, but have less impact than higher tiers

Malphite - The ROCK in the mid lane

  • Malphite can go AP or Tank in the mid lane and give his team anything they need.
  • Provides hard crowd control while pressuring the enemy team.
  • Can get poked out of lane and fall behind early.

Galio - The mid lane swiss army knife.

  • Has Crowd Control, Utility, and Waveclear making him a desirable all-around mid laner.
  • Can struggle to carry if his teammates are underperforming.

Akali - Assassin, Tank Killer, One-Shot, AP-Hybrid, True Damage, Riftmaker Abuser

  • Synergizes well with Season 11 items giving her an answer to any situation.
  • Hard to gank mid-laner with three dashes and her shroud.
  • Can one-shot any champion if she lands her full combo.

Losers of the Preseason (Don’t play these champions)

Seraphine - The support attempting to be a mid laner

  • Performs better as a support in the bot lane.
  • Requires other champions to utilize her entire kit.
  • Struggles to survive against mid lane champions due to her lack of mobility.

Ryze - The champion with itemization struggles

  • Ryze has no Mythic items that synergize well with his kit.
  • Out Damaged by his counterparts who can abuse Season 11 items.
  • Takes time to ramp up with little reward.

Lucian - Left behind in Season 10

  • No longer bullies people in lane with champions coming online earlier with Mythics.
  • Crit items cost too much for Lucian to have any real build path.
  • Has no power spike that lets him take over the game.