Afreeca Freecs reveals a smooth new logo as part of rebrand Time for a change.

Afreeca Freecs is shaking things up ahead of the 2021 season.

The Korean esports organization revealed a new logo earlier this week. The tweet announcing the rebrand showed their old logo, a cartoony "F" with the org name in front of it, basically exploding. In its place, a new logo had appeared.

The new logo showcases the team's initials, A and F. The stylized letters are sleek and streamlined, playing off of each other's shape. It's a simpler and more mature design. The letters are colored "Future Blue."

"The new team logo expresses the freedom and extraordinary personality of Afreeca Freecs, who dreams of delightful experimentation," Afreeca Freecs explained.

Afreeca Freecs failed to live up to expectations this year, making an LCK split final but failing to deliver a trophy. Despite missing Worlds in 2020, Afreeca Freecs remains a fan-favorite team in the Korean region.

Going into 2021, Afreeca Freecs isn't only premiering a new logo. The organization also boasts a new and promising League of Legends squad. They added ADC Bae "Bang" Jun-sik, a veteran who has won the World Championship twice. The LCK remains a very competitive region, but this may give Afreeca Freecs the extra push they need to fight to the top of the pack.

Who won LCK 2020?

T1 won the LCK Spring finals earlier this year. Despite a strong start, T1 fell to fourth in LCK Summer Split. DAMWON Gaming ended up on top in the summer, sending them to Worlds 2020 with DRX and Gen.G.

Why did SKT change to T1?

T1 was once called SK Telecom 1. But in 2019, SKT announced a partnership with Comcast. The two powerhouses founded an esports company called T1 Entertainment & Sports. The deal included SKT SKT changing their name to T1.

Is Faker still on T1?

Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok is one of the most celebrated League of Legends players of all time. In February of 2020, T1 announced that Faker had re-signed with the organization for three more years. The contract, which lasts until the end of 2022, also included Faker becoming a partial owner of T1.

Despite his popularity, Faker had a rocky year with T1 in 2020. The organization was under fire in the summer for benching Faker, leaving fans to accuse T1 of disrespecting the veteran player.

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