Bikini-Clad Pamela Anderson Petitions Donald Trump To Pardon Julian Assange

Bikini-Clad Pamela Anderson Petitions Donald Trump To Pardon Julian Assange

Pamela Anderson took to Twitter to make a plea aimed at President Donald Trump on behalf of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The Baywatch actress shared images of her donning a brightly colored bikini and holding several signs related to Assange’s release asking Trump for a pardon.

On December 7, Anderson tweeted, “@POTUS please #pardonjulianassange,” while sharing black and white images of her in a tight-fitting bikini and holding a sign that read, “Bring Julian Assange Home Australia” and “I am Julian Assange.” Making a last ditch plea to the Trump administration as it transitions out of the White House.

This latest post was her second attempt at helping obtain Assange’s release as she issued an open letter to the President and First Lady Melania Trump in November of last year. The Canadian-American actress wrote, “If you were to pardon Julian Assange and not allow the legal precedent of extradition of a fact publishing journalist for a life of torture, then the people would salute your action,” she claimed. “You will be forever remembered as the champion you were always destined to be and the people would truly salute you for such a gesture. It would always be remembered as your legacy to the world and the people could never be fooled otherwise.”

The letter ended with: “To save Democracy would be your defining moment stamped in the pages of history and will turn your presidency around.”

Anderson is one of Assange’s high-profile supporters. He was indicted on 18 U.S. federal criminal charges in connection to espionage and the release of classified information by former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.

Assange was arrested in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom in 2019 on charges of bail jumping and is presently waiting for extradition to the U.S. Anderson has gone on record multiple times after visits to Assange to say she worries about his declining health while in custody.

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