Facebook’s Data Mining Exposed by Apple

Henderson, NV—Apple’s recent introduction of an “Apple Nutrition Label” has data pillaging social media surveillance company Facebook running scared. Mashable reports that Facebook ran full-page advertisements in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washington Post “lambasting Apple for having the gall to highlight what Facebook does with user data.”

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Facebook Seems Enraged With Apple's Fact Checking

Facebook in the past has prioritized the fact-checking of their member’s content, and seem to be enraged when others fact-check them. When they are held to the same standard of accountability, they lash out in retaliation. Parler, the leading social media platform founded in 2018 that is dedicated to free speech, does not mine or sell data and does not remove content based on politics or ideology. Parler continues to stand with the people and against techno authoritarianism.

Facebook, perhaps the most Orwellian of the social media data miners, continues to come under fire from the federal government for their opaque use of their member’s data. The United States in the District Court for the District of Columbia filed Civil Action No. 19-2184 in April of 2020, where they asserted that the “unscrupulous ways in which Facebook violated” and continues to violate “both the law and the administrative order [from eight years prior] is stunning…Facebook did not keep its word…Facebook collects and maintains huge amounts of its users’ information.”

John Matze, CEO and founder of Parler appeared yesterday on Bloomberg TV to discuss how Parler maintains the privacy and data security of their members, and emphasizing that Parler’s goal is to “bring us back to a people’s place online…not a place for big tech oligarchs.”

Parler remains confident in the transparency of their platform, with Chief Policy Officer Amy Peikoff confirming the following regarding their application for an Apple Nutrition Label: “When our Apple Nutrition Label is published, people will see that Parler does not share data that can be used to target ads—via “tracking”—outside our platform. We are in the process of engaging a third-party to confirm this and will make the results public, as we understand that people aren’t eager to take a social media company’s word for it these days.”

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