Dionne Warwick Responds To Wendy Williams’ TV Disses

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 19: Dionne Warwick performs onstage during the

Singer Dionne Warwick had a lot to say about Wendy Williams after the TV host commented on Warwick’s tweets and an old marijuana possession charge.

“A friend alerted me that Wendy Williams was sending a lot of not nice time speaking on me,” Warwick tweeted. “I tuned in to her show to catch the last few minutes of her speaking about me and as in the past she seems not to be able to speak without maliciously made comments. My hope is that my name will refrain from being spoken or thought of by her as this conversation was held a few years ago letting her know that there was nor would be any need for her to say the name Dionne Warwick for any reason. I don’t believe one has to be mean to get noticed.”

On the December 9 episode of The Wendy Williams Show, the host commented about the singer. “She’s a beautiful women. She doesn’t like me though. I know she doesn’t like me,” Williams said, adding that Warwick was a “friend of the show” but usually only when the artist had something to promote. “We’re the social influencers, and she’s smart. But once she gets off the show, you know she’s probably like, ‘b–ch’. It’s ok, Miss Warwick. It’s ok.”

Williams then shifted the conversation to discuss Warwick’s Twitter account. Williams said that some followers had accused Warwick of not writing her own tweets, that the Grammy winner’s niece, Brittani Warwick, writes them for her. The singer has referred to her niece in the past as her “social and branding director.”

“I totally believe that she is doing her own tweeting,” Williams added. “But I think that Brittani is her right hand. Like, after Aunt Dionne does what she wants, after midnight, maybe after some bud.” This statement lead to a conversation regarding Warwick’s old marijuana possession charge.

In 2002, Warwick was charged by the Miami-Dade Police Department with marijuana possession when officers found 11 marijuana cigarettes inside of a lipstick container while the singer was at Miami International Airport. The charges were later dropped.

At the end of the segment, Williams claimed that she was “only messing around” and loves the recording artist. “So now, Aunt Dionne knows how to stay relevant and Brittani is right there giving her all the filters and checking it over before she sends, Williams said. “And I think that’s a great thing. I think that if you’re a person of a particular age, you need to social media and you need to get down sometimes and talk at these kids… But you need somebody young in your family just to make sure, you know, you’re coming off correct.”

After the show, Warwick’s niece tweeted her response, “I’m not commenting on anything else, but @WendyWilliams gave me some props for socials today. Thank you! It’s fun to teach Aunt @_DionneWarwick new things. Can’t stop, won’t stop.”

Warwick replied with, “Let’s do tick tock then.”


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