Paris Hilton’s family wanted her to reject Simple Life

Paris Hilton’s parents warned her not to sign up for ‘The Simple Life’.

The 39-year-old star became a household name when she and best friend Nicole Richie appeared in the long-running reality show from 2003 to 2007 but she revealed her sister, Nicky Hilton Rothschild was also approached to take part and refused, and her parents advised her to do the same.

She said: "I'm so happy I did that show.

“They asked my sister and I to do it but she said, 'There's no way I'm doing a reality show. You're crazy!'

"My parents also said, 'Do not do this!'

“I was 21. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but it was my first start in the industry.

"I don't regret anything because it was my platform to build a brand."

However, Paris admitted the show gave people a lot of misconceptions about her.

She said: "There are many misconceptions but I think the first one is that I'm like the girl I was on 'The Simple Life'. In real life, I'm a businesswoman who runs an empire."

This year, the ‘Stars are Blind’ hitmaker let the cameras back into life with her YouTube documentary ‘This Is Paris’ and she hopes it finally allowed people to see who she is behind her public persona.

She said: “I talk about things I've never discussed before. People are going to see a different side to me - the real Paris.

"For so long I've played this character that I first created back on 'The Simple Life'.

"I think a lot of people assume that's who I am in real life, but I'm actually quite the opposite. People have never seen me like this before.

"This is completely different to anything I have ever done. This is a real film. This is following my real life. Anything I've ever done before has been more me just playing that character again."

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