Dynamo dreamed of being a superhero

Dynamo dreamed of being a superhero.

The 38-year-old magician watched as many videos as he could on a wide range of subjects when he was younger but didn’t realise there was a difference between documentaries and fiction.

And Dynamo credits his superhero dream for making him believe in himself.

We didn’t have a TV licence, but the local video store gave me a VHS player. So I used to watch everything. , He said:.

Back then I didn’t comprehend the difference between a documentary and a movie. So I was watching these superhero movies, believing it was a real-life story. , He said:.

That gave me belief in myself, that I wanted to grow up and be like that when I was older. , He said:.

Before magic, I didn’t know who I needed to be, who society wanted me to be as a person. I didn’t totally feel comfortable being myself, because I didn’t feel that I belonged into any particular group. I felt like an outsider, He said:

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