Lana Condor enjoys Matthew McConaughey's bedtime stories

Lana Condor enjoys listening to Matthew McConaughey before bed.

The 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' star and her boyfriend Anthony De La Torre regularly tune into bedtime stories read aloud by the Hollywood actor before they head to sleep.

Lana told E! News: "My boyfriend and I recently downloaded the Calm app because we're trying really hard to cultivate a proper bedtime routine, which is really hard in quarantine, because what is time, you know? You can listen to Matthew McConaughey read you a bedtime story. If that isn't self care, I don't know what is. Literally we lay there in bed, and we just listened to him lull us to sleep. That's everything! Who knew? Matthew McConaughey, in our own bedroom!"

Meanwhile, Lana has had a number of famous encounters and previously confessed she once followed David Beckham around a Whole Foods supermarket.

She recalled: "I thought I was being so low-key and I know, like, you always know when you're being followed, you just do. And finally he, like, looked at me and I'm, like, behind the magazines ... and he looked at me and was like, 'Would you like a picture?'"

And Lana has also credited Michelle Obama with helping her push past her battle with "imposter syndrome" and she can now deal with her feelings of not "belonging".

She said: "Michelle Obama talked a lot to me about the idea of Imposter Syndrome. That feeling that you don’t belong and that you haven’t earned your place in a room. I’m surrounded by these amazing, amazing people. I keep reminding myself, ‘This is a real thing, and I deserve to be here. And I’ve worked hard to be here.’ But I don’t care how old I’ll get, or whatever I’ve done in my life, I’ll always be floored and honoured and grateful to be able to be in the Library of Congress. And to be able to present to someone like Priti Patkar, I don’t care, I could be 1 million years old and still be like, ‘What?! I can’t believe it.'"

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