Plane Flying ‘Trump Worst President Ever’ Banner Flies Over Mar-A-Lago

Plane Flying 'Trump Worst President Ever' Banner Flies Over Mar-A-Lago (Photo: Twitter)

A plane flying a banner calling Donald Trump the “worst president ever” flew over Mar-a-Lago, where the former President has been staying since he left the White House last week.

In a video shared by a Twitter, a plane flies banners saying “TRUMP WORST PRESIDENT EVER.” The user also posted a picture of a plane flying a banner that read, “TRUMP YOU PATHETIC LOSER GO BACK TO MOSCOW.”

“Trump is getting warm welcome from the skies near Mar-a-lago today,” he wrote in the tweet.

Trump was seen golfing at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Saturday. Pictures showed the former president smiling and waving to a group of supporters waiting on the street as he rode by in his motorcade.

But not everyone in Mar-a-Lago is as excited for Trump’s return. In December, neighbors of Trump’s resort wrote to Palm Beach officials and the United States Secret Service, claiming that Trump had no right to move into the hotel as his permanent residence. They say he signed an agreement in the 1990s “turning his private residence into a private club.”

Trump has been staying at Mar-a-Lago since Wednesday after he left Washington D.C. before Joe Biden‘s inauguration. He was the first president in 152 years to not attend the inauguration of his successor.


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