Peter Andre in no rush to become a grandfather

Peter Andre is “petrified” of becoming a grandad.

The 47-year-old singer – who has children Junior, 15, and Princess, 14, with ex-wife Katie Price and Amelia, seven, and Theo, four, with spouse Emily – expects one of his older kids to have a family of their own in the future but he hopes it isn't for several years yet.

Referring to 'EastEnders' actor Danny Dyer becoming a grandfather at 43 following his daughter Dani Dyer becoming a mother recently, Peter said: “It was amazing to hear Danny Dyer has become a grandfather after his daughter Dani gave birth to a baby boy. The D has become a G!

“I’m petrified of the word grandad but I know it’s coming at some point in my life.”

And the ‘Flava’ hitmaker is currently “devastated” because his eldest son Junior has recently had a growth spurt and is now the tallest member of the household.

He said: “Meanwhile, Junior has now officially outstripped me in height and is taller than me, which is devastating.

“My son used to look up to me, but now I’m going to be looking up to him.”

Although he is in good shape, Peter admitted he doesn’t have an “amazing relationship” with food because he can be an emotional eater.

Writing in his New! magazine column, he said: “I don’t have an amazing relationship with food myself.

“I sometimes eat because it comforts me, or as a reward, but I also exercise every day.

“I think a lot of people are dismissive of those who are obese, which upsets me, because it’s not as easy as just stopping eating.”

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