Facebook faces lawsuit over alleged data breach

Facebook is set to face a lawsuit for allegedly "losing control" of the data of around a million users in the UK.

The tech giant's alleged mistakes were revealed in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and the lawsuit is being led by journalist Peter Jukes.

However, a Facebook spokesperson has insisted that there's no evidence the data had been given to the consulting firm.

The spokesman said: "The Information Commissioner's Office investigation into these issues, which included seizing and interrogating Cambridge Analytica's servers, found no evidence that any UK or EU users' data was transferred by [app developer] Dr [Aleksandr] Kogan to Cambridge Analytica."

In response, Jukes insisted the issue didn't centre on “where the data went”. Instead, he bemoaned that the tech giant "didn't care".

Speaking to BBC News, he added: "They didn't look after it."

Last year, meanwhile, Facebook was accused of forcing some staff back to work amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The social network company faced accusations from more than 200 workers from around the world who claimed to have been forced back to work.

In an open letter, the Facebook employees said: "After months of allowing content moderators to work from home, faced with intense pressure to keep Facebook free of hate and disinformation, you have forced us back to the office.

"Facebook needs us. It is time that you acknowledged this and valued our work. To sacrifice our health and safety for profit is immoral."

Facebook subsequently clarified its position on the home-working situation.

In a statement, Facebook said: "While we believe in having an open internal dialogue, these discussions need to be honest.

"The majority of these 15,000 global content reviewers have been working from home and will continue to do so for the duration of the pandemic."

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